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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Songs for Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sorry for the late post, folks -- VBS has been eating up all my time (huge thanks to Joe for lending us a whole bunch of Western items!). This week is the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

First of all, really nice work to the folks who were at mass last week! We were definitely thin on people, but thanks to a few non-regulars who jumped in and Barry's leadership, we managed to do pretty well. Our entrances were very much improved from last week, and there weren't nearly as many mistakes. I had fun despite filling in for no less than three people, and got plenty of compliments on how we sounded. Thankfully, we should (almost) be back to full strength this Saturday with both Jim and Karina returning (Barry will be out-of-town).

I do have a Communion Meditation scheduled for this week - it's the t4C adaptation of "We Are One Body" (again, sorry for the confusion I caused Barry and the Office be using the 'Killoren' identifier). The last time we planned to do this, we discussed having all the singers stand around one or two mics so none of the harmonies would get lost (much like the Davis' and Ginny did last week). If you guys are up for trying that, it might be a good experiment to see if this method would work for other songs.

Also, Father has requested we swap out the Closing song with "Standin' in the Need of Prayer", our closing song from last week (it fits the liturgy even better than it did last week). We created yet another arrangement of this piece, doing it more slowly in a waltz-like rock tempo.

Ginny's music selections begin next week, August 3rd. I'd like to practice this week to go over that music.

Here are this week's songs:

SS 201 - Seek First

Response (Karina):
SS 134 - The Fragrance of Christ (Psalm 138; refrain I)

need one

SS 615 - Seek Ye First

Communion Meditation:
t4C 'We Are One Body'

GC 601 - All That We Have

GC 579 - Standin' in the Need of Prayer

Until Saturday,

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