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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 9, 2014

This Saturday is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and also a Baptism.

After mass last week, we briefly ran through a few songs, but we spent most of the hour discussing some problems that have arisen, and some potential changes to the way we do things. The relevant parts of that discussion are outlined below:

  • Our Current Approach:
    • Our current approach to music is very 'fast and loose', with plans for songs being developed only a week ahead or in the hour before mass.
    • Our current rehearsal routine is not focused enough to allow us to perfect pieces for long-term, repeated use. 
    • New arrangements of pieces we create are often not reused, because the details are never fully fleshed out or our plans change and the arrangement is scrapped all-together.
    • We spend too much time worrying about getting the notes, rhythms, and harmonies right, rather than focusing on improving on the pieces themselves.
    • Although we've pulled off some pretty cool stuff in the past, many of us want more from the group and are willing to put in the time and effort to make that happen. We have many excellent musicians, but are currently not utilizing all the potential.

  • New Approaches:
    • Jonathan proposes that we work to cut down our repertoire, allowing us to learn/flesh out more songs in greater detail.
    • Per Maggie's suggestion, one way to go about this would be to select a list of songs to work on for a particular month, and use those songs throughout the month before moving on to a new set the following month. We wouldn't necessarily be limited to only these songs, but they would be the ones we would focus on in rehearsals.
    • Going this route would allow us to spend more time perfecting and cleaning up pieces to the point of not requiring much prep time to do them at mass. 

  • New Rehearsal Routine:
    • Some of us feel that 4:30-9:00 PM is too much music in one sitting.
    • Although our current rehearsals are convenient, they're not as effective as they could be, given the five-day gap between practice and performance, and the fact that everyone's been playing and/or singing for two hours before we even start.
    • One possibility: retain pre-mass rehearsal from 4:30-5:30 PM, but move after-mass practice (7:00-9:00 PM) to a week night.
    • Alternatively, after-mass practice could be turned into a brief run-though of the selections for the following week, for anyone who can't attend the regular weekday rehearsal. At times, we've rehearsed this way anyway. 
    • If we choose to make a weeknight practice the norm, than a set date and time would have to be agreed upon; picking a date and time week-by-week wouldn't be practical, as we've all seen in the past from trying to schedule/plan this way.

  • Bring back Luke's vision of the 'House Band':
    • We've all used the term 'house band' to describe our group for quite some time, but it's not really an accurate description. 
    • The concept of a 'house band' is an organized musical ensemble that that performs regularly at an establishment.
    • As the House Band, we could hold regular concerts for the Parish community, showcasing Good Shepherd classics, new arrangements, or even choral pieces that we've worked on since the previous show. This will allow us to perform sacred pieces outside the constraints of a liturgical setting.
    • Those who are involved in the House Band would most likely be a core group of musicians who have interest in performing sacred music outside of mass. In other words, the 5:30 Music Ministry and the House Band need not be one and the same, even though many of the core players will be.

UPDATE (8/6): per Jim's request, Father got back to us with his requirements and thoughts on the music for 5:30 mass. Please take a few minutes to read Father's letter so we can discuss this further after mass this Saturday. It can be found HERE.

I think that's all I have for now -- all of this is still up for debate and discussion in the coming weeks, so feel free to (in the words of Jonathan) 'stew on it'.

Karina is out this week.

There will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:

SS 192 - Mountain of God
Glory to God (Mass of Creation)

SS 77 - The Lord is Kind and Merciful (Psalm 103)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Sprinkling Rite:
SS 209 - There is a Well

SS 119 - I Will Choose Christ

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

GC 608 - Be Not Afraid

SS 141 - We Are the Light

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