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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Songs & Updates for Saturday, September 3, 2016

This Saturday is the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
We were very short on musicians last week, but didn't run into any major issues. Special thanks to Eva for covering piano, Ben for helping me out with the Psalm and to everyone else who was able to be there! It was also great to see so many of you at the Group Therapy concert to support Jim, Jonathan and Maggie in their new musical endeavor!

Our music for September has been approved with no changes. Father Charlie's only comment was that we should work with the congregation on our Communion song, as it's one that they're not as familiar with. The refrain is also a bit on the long side.

We did 'Lead Me, Lord' last week as our Offertory song. Repeating it wasn't intentional; I just didn't realize I had it down two weeks in a row until after finalizing the music for September. Regardless, we may want to take this slightly faster to make it more appropriate for Gathering. Also, just a reminder to watch the rhythms on the refrain (especially phrases such as 'lead me, Lord...' and 'be my way...'), as everyone wasn't doing them the same way last week.

Stay tuned for a proposal regarding creating a cantor rotation; in the meantime, if anyone would like to cantor, let me know.

'We Come Today' is our Communion song for September. If you don't know this one, please look it over before Saturday. Since the rest of the tunes for this week are familiar, I'd like to focus on this before Mass to make sure we're confident and comfortable with it. My suggestion would again be to start this right at the beginning of Communion rather than waiting until everyone returns (as long as we have the numbers, of course). Having one or two singers and a couple of instruments would probably be enough.

As you know, 'I Danced in the Morning' is one of Father Charlie's favorites -- lets have fun with it! The song is very 'wordy', though, and can be difficult to keep together, so we don't want to muddle the lyrics by trying to take it too fast.

I know it's a holiday weekend, so please give me a heads up if you're planning to be out. If I don't see you, happy Labor Day! The same goes for next Saturday, 11/10, as I'll be tied up that night and won't be at Mass.

UPDATE: 08/30: Jim will be out this week.

UPDATE: 9/02: Jonathan and Barry will be joining us on Saturday, bringing our instrument compliment (more-or-less) back up to full strength :-)

SS #107 – Lead Me, Lord
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

SS #056 – Ps 19 – Your Words Are Spirit and Life
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

GC #688 – Two Fisherman
Materials (audio)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS #167 – We Come Today
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #708 – I Danced in the Morning
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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