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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Music for Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm still figuring out the best way to do this, but for now, here's the music for this Saturday (can also be viewed on the group calendar or in Jim's email):

SS 196 - Open My Eyes

SS 86 - With the Lord (Psalm 130; Jim cantoring)
Complete Recording (from Spirit & Song CD)

(Cris & Ginny cantoring)

SS 116 - Holy Spirit

SS 209 - There is a Well
SS 158 - Now We Remain

SS 168 - Cry the Gospel

We are having practice after mass until 9 PM, and will be going over the music Jim has planned for the rest of this month. For dinner, we'll all be pitching in for pizza.

If we have enough people, it may be worth doing another Mass of Joy & Peace sectional as well.

Finally, we should probably discuss 1) whether we wish to continue after-mass rehearsals into the summer, and 2) if yes, how we want to handle the dinner schedule (it's not fair to dump everything on Ginny...).