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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Songs for Saturday, May 18, 2013

Remember, it's Pentecost! Wear RED!

UPDATE: (5/16): Father has made some revisions to our program (he did the same to the selections of the other Choirs). Changes are highlighted below.

The Time and Talent fair will also follow Mass - let's try to reach out and bring some new folks on-board. There is a general 'Music Ministry' paper on the table, but it would be a good idea to make an announcement outlining our specific needs at the end of Mass.

GC 469 - 'Come Holy Ghost'

During Homily:
'Mission Song: We Are the People' (Killoren)

SS 77 - 'The Lord is Kind and Merciful' (Psalm 103)
SS 79 - 'Lord, Send Out Your Spirit' (Psalm 104)

(Lisa K. and Cris cantoring)

SS 139 - 'We Are Called to Serve'
SS 116 - 'Holy Spirit'

t4C version of 'We Are One Body'
SS 158 - 'Now We Remain'

SS 168 - 'Cry the Gospel'
SS 139 - 'We Are Called to Serve'

There will be no practice after mass due to Time and Talent and because we're reducing practices to once every 3-4 weeks for the Summer. The general plan for rehearsals will be to go over music for the next several weeks and select cantors for the Psalm and Alleluia.

I'd also like to work on "We Gotta Love" and "Shout to the Lord" once Karina, Emily, and I learn the parts.

On a side note, Karina has finished selecting music for the month of June and will be making that available closer to the end of this month. See Jim's last email for the remainder of the music for May.

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