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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Songs for Saturday, May 25, 2013

This weekend is Trinity Sunday. As previously mentioned, Jim will be out. Paul and Barry will be covering guitar, while Chip will be covering bass guitar in Zach's absence.

For those of you who weren't at Mass last week, Chip is our new bass guitar player. Chip and his wife left the Parish for a time, and only recently came back. Over the next month or so, he'll be filling in for Zach as needed, and after Zach heads off to college, Chip will become his long-term replacement. Make sure to introduce yourself when you get the chance!

While I'm on the subject, Michaela is close to being ready to play some piano for us (possibly as early as this week). I also found out yesterday Time & Talent did yield a possible drummer and backup pianist, so definitely make them feel welcome when they join us (not sure if that'll be this coming Saturday or not).

Here are the songs for Saturday (note Father's changes as per Jim's email):

SS 125 - 'Let the River Flow'
GC 496 - 'Canticle of the Sun'

SS 91 - 'I Will Lift Up Your Name' (Psalm 145)
Cantor: Karina

(Any takers? I'll do it again if need be, but I'd like to give others the opportunity to get comfortable at the podium.)

GC 798 - 'Baptized in Water'
SS 125 - 'Let the River Flow'

SS 177 - 'Fly Like a Bird'

SS 202 - 'Shine, Jesus, Shine'

There's no rehearsal following mass this week, although I would recommend having one next week (June 1st) since we'll be starting a new selection of music the following Saturday (June 8th).

I also propose swapping next week's Communion hymn with t4C 'We Are One Body'. That would be a fun piece to do, and I'd like to test the microphone arrangement we discussed at our last rehearsal.

On June 8th, we'll be switching back to Mass of Creation as per Father's request. We don't know the reasoning behind the switch, other than it has to do with our return to Ordinary Time (I may ask Father about this if I get a chance). We should definitely review the setting before then.

Finally, I'm sure most of you noticed that Father changed almost our entire program last week for Pentecost (he did the same to the other Choirs). I found out yesterday he's been reviewing our music on-and-off for quite some time now (it only became apparent recently, though). It looks like he's going to continue 'tinkering' for a while, so ye be warned if there are any last-minute changes.

Have an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend if I don't get to see you!

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