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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Notes for Next Two Weeks - 5/18 & 5/25

For those of you who weren't at practice this evening, here are a few notes/updates as we go into the summer. We went over materials for the next two weeks since Jim will be out 5/25 (Paul & Barry will cover guitar in his absence):
  • Jonathan will be on a summer music tour through the end of August, so Jim, Karina, Emily, and Cris are the ad-hoc directors/section leaders.
  • Jim has music selected for this month; Karina will be selecting for June, and Cris for July.
  • We'll be limiting after-mass rehearsals to one or two times per month, due to issues with the dinner schedule (we'll order pizzas for those sessions) and because lots of people will be out anyway.
  • I'd like to use at least part of those rehearsals to cover material Jonathan would like us to learn before the end of August (mainly, perfecting Mass of Joy & Peace, as well as learning parts for "We Gotta Love" and "Shout to the Lord").
  • With Zach being out for the next two weeks, Jim has recruited a new guy, Chip, to cover bass guitar. He'll also be back to cover in July when Zach is out again.

For Next Week 5/18):
  • Our Entrance song will be sang at 6/8 Waltz tempo rather than what's written (mainly because Father will want all four verses and keeping the written tempo will make it too long and slow).
  • Lisa K. and Cris will be cantoring both the Psalm and the Alleluia (note we'll be using the Pentecost verse this week only).
  • For Communion, we'll be using the t4C version of "We Are One Body". In order to hear all the harmonies, we're going to try having everyone sing in a semi-circle around a mic. Lisa K. and Cris will be at a guitar mic carrying the main harmony.
  • This weekend will also be Time & Talent, so it may be a good opportunity to recruit more musicians (and possibly even a pianist).
  • No dinner/rehearsal after mass (the Hall is being used for Time & Talent anyway).
Two Weeks Out (5/25):
  • Again, Jim will be out, so Paul & Barry will be covering guitar.
  •  Karina will be doing the Psalm.
  • For "Baptized in Water", we'll be using the intro from SS 120 ("Morning Has Broken"). There will be one instrumental verse (Karina) to give us more time. Lisa K. and Emily will be at one of the guitar mics to sing harmonies during the verses. During the verses, instruments will play softly.
  • No dinner/rehearsal after mass.